Don't Make Me Think
Chapter 8
Everyone who
works on web sites have one thing in common-we're also web users. We
all tend to have strong feelings about what we like and don't like about
web sites. This tends to lead rooms full of individuals with strong
personal convictions about what makes a good website.
Don't Make Me Think
Chapter 9
Usability testing needs to be done throughout the process, not at the very last minute before launch. If you want a great site, you've got to test. Testing one user is 100 percent more effective than testing none. Testing one user early in the project is better than testing 50 near the end. When conducting tests, do them with people who are like the people who will be using you site. Testing is to inform your judgement, not to prove or disprove something. You need to test, fix, and test again. Review the test results right away. You'll have the triage, which is reviewing the problems people saw and deciding which ones needed to be fixed, and also figuring out how to fix them.
Some typical problems you will face is that users are unclear on the concept, the words their looking for aren't there, and there is just too much going on.
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